Harvard President Gay has Faced New Charges due to Plagiarism

Umair Butt
harvard university

According to some latest news six extra plagiarism allegations have been hit on the Harvard president gay. A complaint has been filed regarding this matter on Monday with the University. Her presidency has been affected due to these allegations and now the number of allegations has been increased to approximately fifty. 

Almost seven work publications have already been impacted due to some scandals, but the latest charges that have not been reported before this have extended this seven number to eight. In a published article in 2001, the Harvard president copied almost half a page of material verbatim from another scholar, David Canon, who is a professor of political science at the University of Wisconsin. 

The article was included with some major plagiarism cases. At one more stage, the president took four sentences from the book Canon's 1999 Race, Redistricting, and Representation. Similarly, Gay has quoted a lot of sentences without attribution and insisted that nothing has been done wrong from her side. 

According to the Harvard Corporation which is the governing board of the University, in the mid of December, they reviewed the published book of Harvard president gay. Actually, they found several different cases of "inadequate citation" but it was not identified in the new complaint examples that were submitted to the school's research integrity officer. 

Now according to the latest news, the president of Harvard University has submitted her resignation after facing these plagiarism allegations. Claudine gay resign news has been spread all over the world. If you are searching for a claudin gay resignation letter, here I can tell you something about her letter.  According to her statement, this was a difficult decision and she wrote, that her resignation would allow the university to "focus on the University rather than any individual". According to her words, she also has been subjected to racial animus and personal threats. 


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