The Best Guide to Bringing Your Parents to the UK

Umair Butt
bring your parents to UK

The Kingdom is one of the richest countries in the world and is culturally attracting people from all over the world. There are a lot of individuals working in the UK and they have settled in the country, sometimes they want to bring their parents so the folks can join them in the new home. Bringing your parents to the United Kingdom is almost actually possible because the immigration system of the UK has some specific procedures, steps, and requirements for the reunification of the family. In this article, we will show a detailed and comprehensive guide on how to navigate the required process successfully.

Find out Eligibility

visa eligibility

Before starting the explanation of the process that how to bring your parents to the UK, it's mandatory to confirm the eligibility of your parents. Mostly the citizens of the United Kingdom, individuals with settled status, or those with the status of humanitarian protection or refugee can sponsor the visa for their parents. According to your specific status of immigration, the eligibility criteria can be different. So it's necessary to contact the government website of the UK with official guidance and if you're uncertain then search for a piece of legal advice. 

Select the Best Visa Route

visa route

The United Kingdom offers various visa options for parents who really want to join their children in this country. The most popular and famous routes include:

  • Parent of a British Citizen or Settled Person Visa: The parents of individuals can select this route because it's designed for them, the individuals should be citizens of the United Kingdom or have settled status in the UK.
  • Family Reunion Visa: If the United Kingdom has granted humanitarian protection to your parents or even they are refugees, might be possible they are eligible for this kind of route. 
  • Long-Term Standard Visitor Visa: If other categories do not apply to your parents, they still visit you in the United Kingdom for an extra duration using a long-term standard visit visa. 

Meet Financial Prerequisites

financial prerequisites

Your financial situation should be as per the requirements as a sponsor, it will be easy to demonstrate that you can support your parents or not during their stay in the United Kingdom. In this case, you should provide some evidence of finance like statements of your bank accounts, employment letters, or payslips to prove that you can accommodate your parents without relying on the funds of the public. 

Appropriate Accommodation


A suitable and perfect accommodation should be given to your parents during their stay in the United Kingdom. This ensures that you have proper arrangements for living and are ready to provide this information as one of the visa application parts.

Insurance of Health

health insurance

Health insurance is recommended for your parents because it will cover the expenses of medical during their stay in the UK, however, it is not a mandatory or necessary requirement. This is a measure of practicality to make sure that they will have access to healthcare in case they need it. 

Relationship Proof

The relationship evidence can be asked, so provide certificates of your birth, marriage certificates, or any other document that establishes the connection of family. If you have legally changed your name or if the names of your parents have been changed then you should also provide the documents related to this matter. 

Apply for the Visa

apply for the visa

Once you have collected all the required documents and you are getting the eligibility criteria, then you can proceed with the application for Visa. The process of the application submission can be completed online, and it is really mandatory to pay attention to the unique and specific guidelines and requirements for the selected route of visa. The required fees of application should be done and this price can be different according to the category of visa. 

Biometrics and Interviews


In a few cases, it is mandatory for your parents to join an appointment of biometrics to provide the photographs and fingerprints. The interviews can also be conducted, so make sure they are ready to answer questions about their desired stay and ties to their home country. 

Duration of Waiting

duration of waiting

The time or duration for the processing of a visa can be different, so it's better if you apply well in advance of your parents' planned travel dates. The processing time information can be read on the official website of the United Kingdom Government, here you can get information about each type of visa. 

Get Ready for Appearance and Arrival

visa approved

Once the visa has been approved, your parents can start the preparation for their pleasant journey to the United Kingdom. Make sure they have all the required information and documents about their accommodation and plans for the travel.


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