Essential Information for Men Regarding Prostate Cancer

Umair Butt
prostate cancer

There are a lot of significant health concerns for men and Prostate cancer is one of them, and there are different things that are very important and a man should know about them


There are several common cancers in men and Prostate cancer is one of these dangerous cancers. According to the American Cancer Society, if there are eight men then one of them will be diagnosed with this cancer during their lifetime.

Risk Factors

History of family, race, and age are the main factors that can dramatically increase the risk of prostate cancer in men. Especially men with a family history of prostate cancer and an age of more than fifty. African American men have a higher risk compared to other countries' men.


If a person has an initial stage of this cancer, maybe this cancer will not show any complicated symptoms. However, after some progress of this disease, a man can face some symptoms such as frequent urination, especially at night. Difficulty of urination at the starting or stopping urination. Weak flow of urine is also one of the symptoms. Men can also feel some pain or burning sensation during urination. In some conditions, blood can also appear in the semen or urine. You can also feel pain in the hips, pelvis, or back that doesn't go away. 


There are two steps included in prostate cancer screening and these are

PSA - prostate-specific antigen blood test
DRE - digital rectal exam

According to the American Cancer Society, most men should have a medical discussion with their healthcare provider. Discussion should involve the risks and benefits of screening starting at age fifty for most men. As we discussed men who have a prostate cancer history and are African American, these men should consider starting screening earlier, around age forty-five. 


There are different options for treatment for prostate cancer and various options can depend on the cancer stage, its aggressiveness, and the overall health of the patient. Treatment can include surgery,  hormone therapy, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, active surveillance, or immunotherapy. 

Side Effects

A few treatments for prostate cancer such as radiation therapy and surgery can cause different side effects such as urinary incontinence, bowel problems, and erectile dysfunction. Men should discuss with their healthcare provider regarding the potential side effects.

Lifestyle Factors

If you implement a healthy lifestyle, this can reduce the risk of prostate cancer development. You should always have a balanced diet. Regular exercise is also mandatory. Maintain a healthy weight and avoid smoking. 


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