Understanding Sickle Cell Disease and Empowering Lives

Umair Butt
red blood cells

What is Sickle Cell Disease

Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) is a genetic disorder of blood and due to this disease, red blood cells can be affected. The main cause of the disease is a mutation in the HBB gene, which gives instructions for making hemoglobin. In our red blood cells, Hemoglobin plays the role of a protein that carries oxygen to the entire body from lungs and returns carbon dioxide to the lungs from the body for exhalation. 

In individuals with sickle cell disease, abnormal hemoglobin is produced due to the mutated gene, this abnormal hemoglobin is also known as hemoglobin S (HbS). Red blood cells take on a sickle shape or characteristic crescent due to the presence of HbS. These sickle-shaped cells are inflexible and can get stuck in small blood vessels, which can lead to various and multiple complications. 

Common complications and symptoms of Sickle Cell Disease include:

Pain Crises

Blood flow can be blocked due to sickle cells, and this can cause immediate and severe pain, known as pain crises. These crises can occur in the different parts of your body. 


Sickle cells have a very less and short lifespan if we compare them with normal red blood cells, which can lead to Anemia and a shortage of red blood cells. 

Organ Damage

As we know now blood vessels can be blocked due to these sickle cells and this can lead to damage to organs such as the liver, spleen, lungs, kidneys, and liver. 


People with Sickle cell disease have more chances of infections due to spleen damage, which plays a complicated role in fighting some specific infections. 


Blood vessels of the brain can be blocked due to the sickle cells, increasing the stroke risk, especially in kids. 

Multiple treatments and strategies of management can help alleviate symptoms and improve life quality. 


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